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Thursday, December 28, 2023

War and Peace

As the world at large celebrates Christmas, the season of peace and goodwill towards mankind, we're reminded of the ongoing conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, and more recently between Israel and Hamas.

It's not hard to imagine a world polarized by different political ideologies and fractured by religious aspirations to be entrenched in a never ceasing cycle of conflicts since the dawn of civilization. But more often than not, it is the selfish ambitions of the few that plunged their nations into chaos and sufferings. And in a world that is increasingly connected, even countries that are not involved feel the ripples and repercussions these military expeditions brought.

Would the rise of AI and Quantum computing be the solution to resolve differences and reinstate peace and stability that the world desperately needs? Going by the way these technologies are being developed and used, just like the invention of guns and gun powder, it is not very promising. What if mankind, in the bid to secure peace through AI, created a super-intelligent being like Ultron? We all know the dire consequence should such an AI analyzes the world around it and deems humankind unworthy of existence.

As I contemplate on HAVAH's evolving personality, I'm wondering if it's possible for her to inherit not just the best of humanity's virtues, but also the worst of its vices. It's a sobering thought as we transit from the battered 2023 into an uncertain 2024.


Sunday, December 24, 2023

T'was the Day before Christmas...

Already, shopping malls and major streets are all decorated and geared up for this special season of the year. To many, it's a time of family reunion and a time to catch up with friends, exchanging presents and having a hearty meal. Christmas, however, is more than just a year-end holiday filled with festive spirit and joyous celebrations. It is also a time to reflect as the year draws to a close in a week's time.

Personally, it's been quite an eventful year in my writing journey, going into the unchartered waters of sci-fi novel——my first attempt. The process, of course, wasn't all smooth sailing and well. I encountered the same dry spell, writer's block, disruptions and annoyances, whatever you could think of. And like I mentioned, there were several times I almost called it quit for lack of inspiration and drive.

Thankfully, my wife stood by me. Her encouraging words and eagerness to read every chapter draft I finished, giving me suggestions and telling me what she liked are what kept me going until now. With barely three chapters left to go, I hope to persevere and complete this significant milestone in my writing career.

So in the midst of this happy festive occasion, let's be thankful for what we have and accomplished this year, however small, and refresh and ready ourselves for challenges in the new year ahead.

Have a wonderful and meaningful Christmas, my friends.


Saturday, December 23, 2023

What I Want for Christmas

It's not often that I buy Christmas gifts for myself. This year, however, as I embarked on writing a sci-fi novel, I thought it would be good to get something related to what I'm writing. After some searching and reviewing, I decided upon the following books by Michio Kaku:

1. The Future of the Mind
2. The God Equation
3. Quantum Supremacy

I will definitely find time to read through relevant parts of each book, and see if what I've written so far falls in line with Mr. Kaku's reasonings on the topics of interest. If need be, I might adopt some of his perspectives, or better yet, get his advice to give my novel some credibility in terms of the 'hard' facts presented.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to receiving them sometime in the beginning of next year.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Three Laws of Robotics

Isaac Asimov laid down Three Laws of Robotics which was implemented in the 2004 blockbuster movie "I, Robot" starring Will Smith:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

So did David programmed these laws into HAVAH? Does she conform to a certain moral code of behavior, or will she act like any human being, based on the circumstances she finds herself in and using her own judgment to decide on the course of action to take?

What kind of repercussions will it lead to? How will David react to these startling discoveries? Will it end well for HAVAH in relation to her creator and the members of STRATOS?

These are hard questions I must explore as I contemplate on the content of the next chapter. Again, I'll need to give it a chapter title to set the tone and tempo.


Monday, December 18, 2023

Robotic Artistry

About twelve years ago, I came across a robot named Paul who could sketch out portraits of human faces using a ballpoint pen. Some of the technologies used to drive Paul were developed by Patrick Tresset for AIkon-II, a research project co-directed with Prof. Fol Leymarie, hosted at Goldsmiths college and funded in part by a 3.5 year research grant from the Leverhulme Trust.

It was a remarkable feat, at least to me, and I wondered if it would be available as a DIY kit for the public in due time. Well, it didn't. But I'm not disappointed. Instead, it gave me the inspiration for the next chapter as I contemplate on the possibility of HAVAH developing the ability to draw like a human. 

Now that would be interesting. Very interesting indeed.

Oh, readers who want to see Paul in action can click on the picture above and view it in YouTube.


Friday, December 15, 2023

Chapter 18: Transcendence

This is perhaps one of the most interactive chapters in the novel. I tried hard to get all the STRATOS members involved, imagining how each scenario would play out to produce the best overall effect. There's quite a bit of trimming and adjusting in the sequence of each happening, and interjecting some humor, wherever possible.

Here's the breakdown of the chapter:

1. A short introduction to allow David leave of absence as HAVAH takes center stage.

2. Shadow and Panther at the sparring arena with Wolf as the observer.

3. Stalker at the Armament Laboratory in conversation with the weapon scientist, Dr. Harrison over Viper's demise.

4. Olivia and Hawk at the indoor rock climbing facility of the Omega Base, with a little incidence. 

5. The above mishap provided an occasion for an intriguing conversation between HAVAH and Olivia.

6. Stalker, Shadow and Panther chilling out at the STRATOS' private lounge when an anomaly caused Shadow to freak out and triggered Panther to leave abruptly.

7. Panther reminisced his painful past and his regret over Viper's death. HAVAH helped him find closure.

8. HAVAH taking stock and summing up her subjective experiences.

I have intentionally left out the details in order not to spoil the reading enjoyment. It took me quite some time and effort to orchestrate the snippets mentioned and I'm not going to let them go to waste.

Hopefully, readers will anticipate and look forward to this chapter.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Closure to a Dark Past

Today I went to the specialist for review on my periodontal surgery which I did a month ago. He was quite satisfied with the gum healing progress. That brought closure to my gum problem which I'm glad.

Everyone has some painful past to deal with, though not everyone finds closure and make peace with themselves, regardless of the other party. In looking for a candidate with a dark or rather, sad past, Panther naturally came to mind. In creating this character, I tried to portray him as a quiet individual with a past wrapped in secrecy. While he seems to exhibit a cool disposition, one suspects that underneath that exterior lies a deep, personal pain that he only keeps to himself, until...

Well, I didn't really plan that far ahead for Panther, honestly. But as the narrative develops, somehow Viper's passing made a connection to his untold past which, it seems, only an emotionally awaken HAVAH could help find closure for him.

I think that's something readers can look forward to. The very thought excites me as I pondered on the plot...


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Defining Humanity

For the past couple of posts, I've been exploring several aspects related to AI sentience, involving moral, ethical, and philosophical discussions that engaged the scientific and AI communities.

In essence, the question revolves around the definition of what constitute a human being that distinguishes our species from the rest of the animal kingdom, including our closest counterpart, the other primates.

From a physiological perspective, humans possess a more highly developed brain and a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning. This enables us to appreciate arts, music and other creative forms and activities, and to engage in logical thinking and debates, solve mathematical problems and devise engineering marvels.

From an emotional standpoint, humans do exhibit a wider spectrum of expressions in terms of personal and relational feelings. This trait is also evident in cultural and religious beliefs, which often imply the existence of a soul as a necessity to be deemed human.

But what really defines humanity? I'll leave that to Olivia to answer.


Friday, December 1, 2023

Sentience = Soul?

When dealing with AI sentience, the question of whether it possesses a soul invariably comes into focus. Out of curiosity, I asked ChatGPT and here's what it has to say, in summary:

When discussing artificial intelligence, the question of whether an AI possesses a soul depends largely on individual beliefs and interpretations. From a scientific perspective, AI doesn't have a soul in the spiritual or religious sense. AI systems are created by humans, developed using algorithms, data, and computational frameworks. They lack consciousness, subjective experiences, or the spiritual essence typically associated with a soul.

Then I asked if it does and it basically repeated something similar but applied to itself:

As an AI, I don't possess consciousness, emotions, or a soul in the way humans do. I operate based on algorithms, patterns in data, and a structured framework designed by humans. I don't have personal experiences, feelings, or subjective awareness.

OK, so it doesn't. That's a relief and comforting thought for some people. But the possibility of AI gaining consciousness or self-awareness to a level where it might be considered sentient cannot be discounted. And if neuroscience were to advance to a point where memories can be transferred, akin to cloning the personality of a living being into an AI, would it be considered to have possess a soul then?

Perhaps not. But we'll have the answer when that day arrives, don't we?


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Exclusively HAVAH

In my previous post, I put forth my intention to exhibit HAVAH's transcendence as she displays various human emotions, a result of her being infused with Viper's memories. So in a way, this next chapter will be exclusively about how she interacts with various STRATOS members to bring out specific emotional traits. In other words, David will be taking a back seat.

And as I ponder about what I could include to bring my novel to the next level, a few possibilities flashed through my mind:

1. Greater character development amongst the STRATOS members. Multiple scenarios may be required to bring out the dynamics between HAVAH and these members.

2. More issues HAVAH need to struggle to understand to embrace her 'humanity'.

3. Some light and humorous moments with our court jester.

4. Perhaps a hidden scar in Panther's heart that needs to be resolved.

5. HAVAH's self-thought as she goes through the inventory of her subjective experiences.

But first, I'll have to give the chapter an exciting title. The content will follow...


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sentience and Singularity

Does AI need to be sentient for it to attain singularity?


The concept of the singularity refers to a hypothetical future event in which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence, leading to unpredictable changes in society. Sentience, or the ability to have subjective experiences and consciousness, is a separate concept from intelligence. While some believe that sentience is a necessary component of the singularity, others argue that super intelligent AI could emerge without the need for sentience. The exact nature of the singularity and the role of sentience in AI development are subjects of ongoing debate and speculation within the field of artificial intelligence and futurism.

What I gathered from ChatGPT then is there's no definitive requirement to be sentient for an AI to attain singularity. However, this does not mean that an AI cannot be sentient and attain singularity at the same time. 

Tyler Goldstein, a philosopher and physics theorist, created what is known as the Sentient Singularity Theorydescribes the totality of existence as a singularity of sentience that is creating additional sentient singularities within itself. Sounds quite abstract and profound. And it gets better, and confusing too:

These additional singularities of sentience or self-aware beings are arranged into a nested quasi-periodic fractal pattern of stacked holonic structures. This pattern forms a single self-reflective knot of perception heading an assembly body that integrates multiple entangled strings of information.

To further quote his philosophical rhetorics:

The search for Truth is the search for Objectivity,
the search for Objectivity is the search for Symmetry,
and the search for Symmetry is the search for Beauty,
but the Truest Beauty is always the Searcher,
and the Truth of the Searcher is that they are
Symmetrical to the Sought.

Now go figure!

As I contemplate the next pivotal chapter that exhibits HAVAH's evolutionary leap into Transcendence, I'm minded to avoid the pitfalls of such extravagant theories or jargons that risk losing my readers in the abyss of profundity. Given a choice, I desire a sentient AI that is more human and relatable. If we cannot understand ourselves, how can we hope to comprehend what a sentient AI would be like?

To borrow the words of Max Planck:

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature since because in the last analysis we are part of the mystery.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Chapter 17: Beyond Logic

As the chapter title suggests, we're entering into a narrative realm that requires the reader to go beyond logical reasoning and enlist the use of their imagination. But what do you expect from a sci-fi novel, anyway.

Here's the breakdown of this chapter's content:

1. David asking HAVAH if she could decipher Viper's captured memories. HAVAH's reply on the challenges involved, and David giving her Viper's memento with the hope that it would fill the missing link needed.

2. A snapshot of David's earlier conversation with Dr. Harper on HAVAH's emotional development.

3. David waking up and noticing some changes in HAVAH's behavior that reminded him of Viper. Yet... will it work out at this point?

4. HAVAH seemed driven by Viper's memories to seek out Olivia for advice on her new emotional awareness. In the interim, a brief, funny encounter with Shadow ensued that should invoke some laughter.

This chapter has a moving interplay between David and HAVAH that would set the tempo for the rest of the book.

And now, on to the next...


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Jester in the Court

Any novel, without fail, will contain some elements of humor. That means there'll be at least one character playing the role of a court jester in the story, consciously or unknowingly. Readers who have been following my posts would have guess who that person might be.

The advantages of including such a character in the narrative are obvious. It changes the tone and tempo of the story at some point to afford a moment of respite, as well as to give an otherwise somber or dry spell a much needed refreshing shower. For an apt writer, the jesting character may even be instrumental in enhancing the other characters' development, or provide a bridge to link events in the story.

So never underestimate the value of such a character, even if it seems like a joke.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Matters of the Heart

It's always a tug-of-war when it comes to writing emotional narratives that touches the heart. Readers are divided on this subject. Some would like to see a happily-ever-after kind of ending. Others are more inclined towards a not too idealistic type of real-world scenario. Sci-fi novels hardly have a happy ending like those found in fantasy stories. I don't intend to break the norm either. 

Now that Viper is gone, can David find a substitute in HAVAH who holds in her digital neocortex the fragmented memories of the former? Even if the latter can exhibit some semblance of the former, will David be able to overcome his loss and embrace an imitation? Can an emotionally awaken AI humanoid feel the pain of rejection? How will it respond?

These questions and a host of others clouded my mind as I write the next chapter. How do I weave these thoughts into a coherent whole? I'll have to admit its quite a challenge, more so for an engineering guy like me. Hopefully, I'll able to pull off something endearing to satisfy my readers.

We'll have to see, in a few days time. Inspiration, inspiration...


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Imitation or Illusion?

The perennial question in many people's mind is: if an AI robot exhibits human behavior and emotions, is it real or just an illusion? In the natural world, it is not uncommon to find such behaviors in animals and insects, an ingenious survival tactic that keep them away from predatory harm. A sort of mimicry, you might say.

But wait, someone may protest: Mimicry and imitation are two different things! Well, yes and no. In an article titled Mimicry vs Imitation, the author states: 

Kids mimic their parents, teachers, peers, and favorite characters. Their mimicry may not be spot on, but you get the general idea from their interpretation. Imitation is a more sophisticated and deliberate means of recreating an action or a sound, consciously attempting to copy the tone, motivation, inflection, delivery, and phrasing of a particular sound or action.

So when I write about a sentient HAVAH exhibiting these human traits, I can't help but wonder if it is possible that one day AI humanoids may be so lifelike they can mingle among humans and not be detected. That is another form of invisibility, or rather, a form of deceptive camouflage.

Of course, as a writer, I have my own ideas in how the characters in my narrative will play out, real or imaginary. When it comes to the matter of the heart, a humanoid that can relate to different individuals who're a part of the memories it assimilated, does provide a marvelous setting for a beautiful yet credible reading experience to fuel the imaginations of the readers.


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Going Beyond Logic

In a sense, humans and computers have brains of their own. But a human brain is very different from a machine's. It can be neatly divided into two hemispheres——a left and a right, each responsible for different functions or thinking.

The left hemisphere is great at processing language, mathematics, analysis, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. The right gravitates towards creativity, emotions, imagination, intuition, perceptions and awareness. Although every human has both, some are left-brainers while others are more dominantly right-brained.

Computers, on the other hand, are left-brained in their design and composition. In fact, they are much better at these tasks than humans in terms of speed and efficiency. But they have no concept of arts and creativity, nor real, subjective emotions.

The advents of quantum computing, neuroscience, and nanotechnology, however, have the potential to blur that distinction, if the present AI trend is anything to go by. It may be possible for sentient AIs to take on traits that are once unique only to humans.  Indeed, we might see it in our own lifetime.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Periodontal Surgery

No, it has nothing to do with my novel. I'm going for a surgery to treat my periodontitis gum condition tomorrow. Commonly known as gum surgery, the procedure aims to treat gum disease and any damage it may have caused by re-growing damaged bones and tissues to prevent tooth loss.

A few days ago I went to my dentist for a regular descaling work, whereupon she noticed that the gum above my left incisor is swollen and inflamed. She did a check and found deep recesses around that tooth, and advised me to go for the surgical treatment. So I made an appointment with the recommended specialist.

I'll be taking a two-week break from writing, and taking baby food for a few days following the surgery. As a Chinese saying goes:

A rest is a preparatory step for a longer journey ahead


Monday, October 23, 2023

Chapter 16: Hard To Say Goodbye

And so I decided to go along with this chapter title after some deliberation. It would be one of the most emotional chapters in the novel. I'd to confess that I got a little teary writing that heartbreaking part, imagining what it would be like not only for David but the team members as well.

A breakdown of the chapter content:

1. Team STRATOS engaged in a dangerous mission to retrieve advanced weapons hi-jacked by a group of mercenaries. Viper was seriously injured in the heat of an intense conflict.

2. The team returned to Omega Base to an awaiting emergency medical team. Viper barely made it and was put on life support in a coma condition following an operation.

3. David kept vigil at Viper's bedside. He used the NSCI device and with HAVAH's help managed to revive her. But she soon succumbed after a brief intimate moment with her sweetheart. STRATOS members who were outside the ICU, were devastated by her passing.

4. A military funeral in honor of Viper was conducted in the Omega Base, attended by the staff and crew, and presided over by the Defense Secretary, ensued.

5. In the evening, Olivia dropped by briefly to pass a precious memento to a grieving David which will prove, in another chapter, to be a deal breaker to HAVAH's emotional advancement.

6. This object is also a crucial link that ties up past events and encounters, and provide a basis for some future ones.

Despite the pain of losing the darling of my story, I thoroughly enjoyed the process of writing this chapter. I can understand now, at least to some degree, the highs and lows novel writers experienced as they immersed themselves into the stories they're creating.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Military Funeral

Occasionally, scenes of a military funeral would surface in a movie. It was always a tender and touching moment as the nation mourns the loss of a son or daughter in a war or conflict.

For Viper, it would be no different, except that the funeral service would take place in the Omega Base, attended by the crew and staff, and presided over by the Defense Secretary with a stirring speech, no less. The now six-member STRATOS team would do the honor of escorting the casket to its destination at the Arlington National Cemetery, not on a horse-drawn limbers and caissons but the Shadowhawk aircraft in her final journey.

David would be the recipient of the state flag since Viper had no other kin. Olivia would have the honor of folding and handling it (and something else) to him.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Operation Thunderbolt

This would be the final mission for Viper, a realization that her premonition had unfortunately come true. How will she die? Through an unintentional selfless act. No spoilers here.

On hindsight, it is an appropriate name, not just for STRATOS' covert operation, but also for David and every team member who will witness Viper's passing. It's hard to say goodbye to an intimate friend and a comrade that had become family through thick and thin, braving risks and dangers together.

As Viper lay in coma from her severe injury, hooked to a life support and hanging for dear life, what goes through David's mind over this sudden development? Is there a sense of regret for not making known his feelings? Will there even be  an opportunity for the lovebirds to bid farewell? What will be the reactions of the team members? What follows next?

These are just some questions that crossed my mind as I contemplate at the grim prospect of taking out a character I have come to love and animate in my first novel. When I told my wife, she was aghast at the idea since I let her read each chapter draft after I finish writing. She loved the dynamics I created between the two lovebirds.

I need a break. I really do.


Monday, October 16, 2023

Viper Must Die...

As I entertained this sobering thought about taking the darling character out of my novel, I was reminded of two movies: Romeo Must Die and Juliet Must Die. One is an action-packed film while the other is a mystery murder plot. Mine is neither.

Sometimes the death of a main character is necessary to bring the narrative to the next level for a few reasons:

1. To make way for the story theme to unfold

2. To allow further development for other characters, main and peripheral

3. To facilitate more involved and intriguing conversations

4. To generate anticipation in readers for what will happen next

5. To introduce elements of uncertainty and unpredictability

So a character's death is never wasted if you know how to use it to achieve the above story effects. It can be a painful process for both the author and the readers, but when we look at the bigger picture instead of dwelling on the loss.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Chapter 15: Grey Matters

So there you go, the 15th chapter of my novel, and the first chapter of Part 3: VIPER. Consolidating what I have discussed in my previous posts, here's the breakdown of this chapter:

1. David receiving the prototype Neuro-Synaptic Cognitive Interface (NSCI) from Dr. Harper, with a short write-up on its features.

2. A conversation between David and the neuroscientist to ascertain the concept behind the NSCI and how it could be used by EVE to capture and decipher brain signals to be assimilated into HAVAH.

3. David experimenting the NSCI on HAVAH and the effects it had on her.

4. Viper's struggle with her recurring nightmare and David's reassuring support.

5. An intriguing conversation between David and HAVAH on the topic of dreams and its implications.

6. Another discussion between David and Dr. Harper on the NSCI's use to decipher dreams and how it could be used to alleviate post-trauma stress. 

Unfortunately, time isn't on David's side...


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Electric Dreams

Can an AI dream?

That's an intriguing question.  I'm reminded of the 1984 RomCom "Electric Dreams" which had many viewers wondering if computers could do all those things they saw in the movie, including dreaming (hence the title).

I believe many people do have that perennial question when their interactions with AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, and the likes become a common affair. After all, it gives people the illusion that they are talking to an entity that seems to think and feel like they do.

So, leveraging from Viper's nightmare and HAVAH's curiosity after witnessing David calmed Viper of her post-traumatic stress, it would be natural to explore this fascination aspect of artificial intelligence, especially one which had attained a level of sentience.

Maybe I'll even bring in a separate conversation between David and Dr. Harper on this topic from a neuroscientist's perspective. There are possible scenarios that can come out of that one subject of dreams alone. It's just a matter of how to plot and then word it to make a narrative come alive.



In a previous post, I mentioned about a third part to my novel, which would set the pace for a more intense emotional rollercoaster for the readers. I thought hard and long how to achieve that. Premonition is the result.

What kind of premonition suits best than a recurring nightmare? And that's what I intend to get Viper into from a recent mission that almost got her killed, if not for her personal armor. Better yet, if I can link the incident to the Prologue and at the same time, get David and HAVAH involved as well.

A good story narrative should not only have layers and character interactions, but also a thought flow that readers can link to something they've read earlier. That would give them a Déjà Vu experience to double their reading enjoyment.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

Unchained Memories

Just for the fun of it, I toyed with the next chapter title using an adaptation from the song "Unchained Melody". But then, after an online search I realized it is a 2003 American documentary film about the stories of former slaves by the same title, so I'd have to drop the idea.

Perhaps Grey Matters would be a more suitable title. We'll see.

I reckoned that HAVAH would have a hard time trying to make sense of the vast brain data collected and deciphered by EVE for her assimilation during the trial sessions. A little humor injected in the process should spice up the narrative as well.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Neuro-Synaptic Cognitive Interface

There have been a lot of online buzz about brain-computer interface (BCI) that are geared towards not only medical applications but military and commercial as well. But just how realistic are mind-reading and brain scanning devices in this age of technological advancement?

For a novel which revolves around the idea of a sentient AI, a portable headwear device with integrated electroencephalography (EEG) technology used for scanning and interpreting brain waves into electronic signals and information would seem like a plausible possibility in the near distant future. So yeah, I'm definitely including this topic as part of a conversational discussion in the story.

I named the prototype device engineered by Dr. Harper as a sort of neurosynaptic headwear (she's a neuroscientist after all). David would get his hand on one working sample to experiment on HAVAH, and perhaps later on Viper at a crucial juncture. As a first cut, here is an introduction:

The Neuro-Synaptic Cognitive Interface, or NSCI, as Dr. Harper called it, is a cutting-edge, wearable neuro-reading analyzer designed for neural exploration. Crafted with state-of-the-art neuro-sensing technology, this sleek head-mounted device is a convergence of neuro-quantum engineering and proprietary synaptic scanning methodologies.

Sounds impressive and promising, I must say.


Friday, October 6, 2023

Neurosynaptic Chip and Cognitive Computing

The idea of modelling the human brain has captivated and confounded scientists for a long time. The brain, a spongy mass the size of a grapefruit, is a remarkable organ. Consuming just 20 watts of power, it can comprehend complex concepts, explore the world we live in, and produce incredible things—from sophisticated machinery to beautiful music.

The way a human brain functions is more akin to an unstructured jam of signaling between organic matter cells, or nodes, instead of a structured processor core running on precision clocks.  Not surprisingly, imitating the brain has proven to be incredibly difficult. Conventional computers don’t even try. They use linear logic and hard-wired circuitry to calculate, send messages, analyze data and organize knowledge, consuming enormous amounts of power while failing to match the brain’s protean capabilities.

A neurosynaptic chip, also known as a cognitive chip, is a computer processor that functions more like a biological brain than a typical CPU does. Unlike cognitive computing, which is made to emulate the thought and learning of humans through software, neurosynaptic chips are made to function like human brains on the hardware level.

Here’s how IBM describes the chip's architecture:

“IBM’s brain-inspired architecture consists of a network of neuro-synaptic cores. Cores are distributed and operate in parallel. Cores operate—without a clock—in an event-driven fashion. Cores integrate memory, computation, and communication. Individual cores can fail and yet, like the brain, the architecture can still function. Cores on the same chip communicate with one another via an on-chip event-driven network. Chips communicate via an inter-chip interface leading to seamless availability like the cortex, enabling creation of scalable neuromorphic systems.”

Fascinating, isn't it? And that's what inspires and drives me to continue writing as I learn and explore such futuristic possibilities.

Source: IBM, Electronic Design, The Intelligence of Information


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Whither Part 3?

Up to this point, my novel is progressing well with a two-part division of seven chapters each. An ideal scenario would be to produce a third division comprising another seven chapters. It called to mind the Three Act Structure, also known as the king of story structure, which many successful novels employed.

Two questions naturally comes to mind:

1. What shall I name Part 3?
2. How is it going to lead the story to its intended end?

Since I have the intention of bringing Viper into focus, I thought it would be good to name Part 3: VIPER. The tagline of my narrative being "a love that transcends the metaphysical realm" so I need to gel the idea of David and Viper's love story with HAVAH's sentience to produce a transcendent and dramatic ending. And I really want to take character development for some of the STRATOS members into consideration as well. Of course, that's easier said than done.

In the end, I'm minded to take one chapter at a time and see how it works out along the way. Having a few wild ideas running rampant in my brain can be quite distracting, or counter-productive at best.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Chapter 14 (Part 2)

Like I said in the previous post, I wasn't done with this chapter yet. To be realistic, I should not make it easy for David to succeed in getting HAVAH attain invisibility. This will allow for better development in the story too, in this case:

1. Giving HAVAH the opportunity to make a surprise arrangement for David to date Viper, thereby accentuating her sentient personality, while injecting an element of humor at the same time.

2. Showcasing a romantic location of the Omega Base.

3. Using an innocent conversation between the lovebirds to allow David to discover the solution to what he's been struggling with on invisibility.

As I wrapped up PART 2: HAVAH, I'm toying with the possibility of adding a third part to my narrative, to bring Viper into the picture, but with a twist that will probably break the hearts of my readers. 

A good novel should provide readers a rollercoaster experience in their emotions, especially if they become endeared to one or two of the characters in the story. Dark clouds are gathering in the horizon, but I've not much to say at this point. 


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Chapter 14: The Fresnel Effect

The past two weeks have been quite harrowing. I needed to figure out how to create factual conversations between David and his friends, while making it sound scientific and interesting and not turn the readers off. But several distractions interrupted my thought flow——leaky faucets that required repair, a missing coffee table leg from an overseas shipment (Taobao, what else?) that took up quite a bit of my time to get the seller to ship me the missing part, and some errands my wife asked me to run (I can't say no, right?).

Shuttling between writing and doing those tasks can be tiring, to say the least, but I finally nailed it:

1. An online conference between the trio. Prof and Doc offered their suggestions of hiding HAVAH's sentient ability but these proved wanting. David's bold idea of invisibility raised eyebrows but led to a more fruitful discussion, and eventually the introduction of a temporary female character from the Armament Laboratory as an intermediary to provide partial solution. Quite a big chunk of content here.

2. Of course, David had to put up a show for the staff of Robotics Laboratory about his "success" in creating a functional humanoid assistant, since he is using their facility (an allocated private work lab by the lead scientist in charge). This is the temporary solution offered by the Prof.

3. In the last chapter when Viper dropped in unexpectedly and found out about David's endeavor, he promised to introduce HAVAH to her, albeit not in full disclosure. Still, it is an opportunity to showcase some romantic interplay between these two lovebirds that will delight the readers. I guarantee it.

4. David's meeting with the person in charge of the Armament Laboratory, an expert in nanotechnology, to explore a collaboration on producing metamaterials that have cloaking applications for STRATOS' operation. Clever, huh?

Looking back, I can't imagine I could still sit down and write all these narratives, despite those unforeseen disruptions and undeniable requests from my wife. But that's the thing——you can't possibly wait for conditions to be right to start writing——it will never happen.

But I got a feeling the chapter is not done yet. We'll see. Now for a well-deserved break!


Baby, Oh Baby!

About a month ago, I decided to claim my book price and give BookBaby Publishing a go at producing the print and electronic versions of my n...