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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Chapter 11: Empathy

Empathy is the ability to share someone else's feeling or experience by imagining what it would be like to be in his or her situation. I wrote this chapter with three things in mind:

1. To strengthen the bond between Viper and David through this quality displayed by the former towards the latter, in light of the recent unpleasant confrontation.

2. To engage David in a discussion with HAVAH on her emotional development and to explore the possibility of memory transfer that could accelerate the process.

3. To preempt readers on the next move David have in mind——a physical form for HAVAH to afford her a fuller human-like experience.

What will it take for a sentient AI to develop human emotions like empathy and compassion? Is it even possible? This is food for thought as we embrace an increasingly AI-driven world. And it may not be too far in the future when humanoid robots become a part of our daily lives.

Think Sophia and Ameca, and you'll get a glimpse of what's to come.


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