I could simply start writing about the young Jewish prodigy but it would feel rather abrupt, when reason dictates in the mind of the reader that an introduction to what STRATOS is all about is imperative after an explosive Prologue. This will not only keep the momentum going but also facilitate the unravelling of related individuals and entities, for that matter.
The beginning part is always the most difficult to write for a novel, so I spent quite some time thinking how each chapter should best progress. Then a sudden idea came to me, that I should segregate my novel into two or three divisions, with each focusing on a major entity. In my current situation, I hope to begin with EVE and then trace her evolution to HAVAH.
Having decided thus, I proceeded to revamp the chapter outline:
2. EVE
3. The Prodigy
4. The Awakening
Looks good, for now. But I'm sure there's room for expansion as the narrative unfolds. The likelihood for additional chapters in Part 1 is high; for now, I just need to focus on the few listed, one chapter at a time. As George Bernard Shaw aptly observed:
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
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