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Monday, September 2, 2024

Book Awards 2024

The Readers Favorite Book Awards 2024 results are finally out. Unfortunately my first novel HAVAH did not win any. I suppose that is kind of expected, just as the organizers said:

Our contest has become one of the largest in the world, with thousands of entries from over a dozen countries, and this was our largest contest ever. Such high numbers created fierce competition and as a result, thousands of wonderful books could not be chosen.

On a positive note, I did win a lucky draw prize, though:

Is that a good thing? Maybe. At least it's a consolation for all the hard work put into my first attempt at writing a sci-fi novel. Who knows what that would lead to in the future. Will I write a sequel? I'm not sure at this point in time, though I had already put in the effort to create a synopsis and book cover.

We'll see how things go in the next few months, and whether inspiration will propel me to get started or not.


Baby, Oh Baby!

About a month ago, I decided to claim my book price and give BookBaby Publishing a go at producing the print and electronic versions of my n...